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<< Regulated Drains

Regulated Drains

These pdf files contain our documents of record for each regulated drain.  These documents support the location and attributes for each drain as mapped by our office.  The type of documents in these files are legal descriptions, Surveyor’s Reports, Asbuilts, field reports, and bond information. The drawing of each drain can be viewed on the online map room on this website. 

There are currently more than 600 drains listed on these pages, organized alphabetical. Select the starting letter of the drain.  Once you see a list of files, you may also use the Edit/Find function in your browser to help you locate a desired drain.

These documents are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (unless noted otherwise). To view these files on your computer, you will need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or later. You can obtain this product free of charge at www.adobe.com.

Please click on an item of interest. (Each file opens in a new window.)

File Name Type File Size (KB's)
Abbitt Drain.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 1697.373
Anchorage Drain_2016 Reconstruction.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 7894.106
Anchorage Drain_Reconstruction of a Portion of Section 1 Arm.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 26316.488
Anchorage Drain_Section 1 Arm.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 38800.415
Anchorage Drain_Section 1.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 32962.227
Armstrong Drain, Oliver_Allisonville Road Extension.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 380.253
Armstrong Drain, Oliver_Cumberland Pointe Marketplace Reconstruction.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3266.877
Armstrong Drain, Oliver_Cumberland Pointe Recons.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3622.92
Armstrong Drain, Oliver_Taylor Relocation.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 424.247
Armstrong Drain, Oliver_Wellington Northeast.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 6818.866
Armstrong, Evans & Hall Drain_Map Correction.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 4816.624
Armstrong, Oliver Drain_Cumberland Pointe Marketplace Reconstruction.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3266.877
Armstrong,Oliver Drain_Cumberland Pointe Recons.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3622.92
Armstrong,Oliver Drain_Taylor Relocation.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 424.247
Armstrong,Oliver Drain_Wellington Northeast.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 6818.866
ArmstrongEvans&Hall Drain.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 7533.44
Ashbury Park Drain_Section 2 (Map Correction-Field Verification).pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 2393.382
Ashbury Park Drain_Section 2.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 6986.967
Ashbury Park Drain_Sections 1 & 3.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 495.069
Ashbury Park Drain_Source Document Log.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 119.348
Ashbury Park Drain_Spring Farms Section 3 Arm.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 9152.161
Asher Drain, Vernon_111th St. & Pennsylvania St. Intersection Improvements.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 1049.418
Asher, Vernon Drain_1939 Original.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 705.476
Asher, Vernon Drain_Carmel Glass & Mirror Extension (1989).pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3085.512
Asher, Vernon Drain_Cornerstone Place Section 1.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 5487.536
Asher, Vernon Drain_Extension Asbuilts.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 31322.085
Asher, Vernon Drain_Meridian Highlands (Meadows)Extension.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 5083.206
Asher, Vernon Drain_Partial Vacations.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 234.821
Asher, Vernon Drain_Phase I Extension.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 257.687
Asher, Vernon Drain_Phase II Extension.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 521.718
Asher, Vernon Drain_PIA Hospital Relocation (1989).pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 3457.298
Atlanta Drain.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 7949.24
Ault_Adam Drain.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 953.273
Bear Creek Drainage Area_Shed Consolidation.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 8602.576
Flash.pdf Microsoft Edge PDF Document 224.6